Is There a Best Time of Day to Take Your Vitamins?

If you are taking vitamin supplements you’re obviously someone interested in being as healthy as you can be, but have you ever considered if there’s an optimum time of day you should be taking those vitamins?

Best Vegan Multivitamin UK - The Definitive Guide
The best vegan multivitamin should contain vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium, choline and iodine in their most natural forms. Choose capsules over tablets. Look out for optimum doses and forms of nutrients. Avoid additives, allergens, preservatives, palm oil and plastic packaging.
BBC News 'Plastic packaging ban 'could harm environment'

We read an interesting BBC News Article on 8th January about the impact of banning plastic packaging. The article discusses a report called ‘Plastic Promises’ which discusses the potential issues with using alternative materials like bioplastic for single-use packaging.

Multivitamin Benefits (Why Take a Multivitamin?)

So why take a multivitamin? A high quality multivitamin and mineral containing the right ingredients in optimal amounts can bridge a dietary micronutrient shortfall and keep you functioning at your best. Make sure your multivitamin is sustainable and eco-friendly too.

Symbol for Microgram - µg
What is the microgram symbol? µg is the microgram symbol. Otherwise referred to as mcg or ug because the µ symbol is not commonly available on keyboards. The micro symbol (µ) is a Greek letter meaning 'small'.   What does...
What Is Magnesium And What Does It Do? (What You Should Know About Magnesium)

Magnesium is a mineral that is essential for life as we know it. It helps regulate hundreds of biochemical reactions, from the production of protein to the regulation of blood sugar. It plays a role in metabolic reactions and helps maintain required levels of minerals such as potassium, zinc, and calcium in your body. Magnesium is essential for your heart, muscles, nerves, and kidneys to function, and it also helps build bones and teeth and keep them healthy.

What is an ethical multivitamin?

What is an ethical multivitamin? We asked ourselves this question and couldn’t find the answer so we spent a year finding out what makes an ethical multivitamin. Here’s the top 5 things to look for in an ethical multivitamin or food supplement.

What does NRV mean? (Nutrient Reference Value)

NRV means Nutrient Reference Value. Nutrient Reference Values were set up by the EU Food Information for Consumers Regulation 1169/2011 to provide guidance levels on the daily amount of vitamins and minerals the average healthy person needs to prevent nutrient deficiency.